
latin american studies

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Tag Archives: latin american studies

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  • 5 Aug 2024
    Christopher Chambers-Ju

    Teachers’ Unions, the Labor Movement, and Education Reform

    Mobilizing Teachers is a book that shows how teachers’ unions have turned into powerful labor organizations that developed different roles in the political arena. Teachers’ unions lie at the juncture of two global changes that are playing out in countries around the world. First, with labor unions in decline (because of changes including automation and […]

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  • 1 Aug 2022
    Mexican police on a rainy day, ready to contain street vendors from one of the most conflictive areas of Mexico City, the Tacubaya neighborhood.
    Hernán Flom

    The Politics of Policing in Latin America

    Forty years after the end of authoritarianism, many Latin American democracies exhibit high levels of state violence, primarily attributable to the agency most directly responsible for preserving the state’s monopoly of legitimate coercion: the police. Just last week, military police officers killed at least 18 people in a raid on a favela (shantytown) in Rio […]

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  • 16 Mar 2021
    Marcelo Bergman, Gustavo Fondevila

    Red hot prisons in Latin America

    In the last days of February, prisons in the region demonstrated the nature of the crisis in which they are submerged. In Ecuador, on the 23rd, a series of riots ended in at least 79 deaths. A few days before, in Paraguay, prisoners had taken control of the Tacumbu prison, the largest in the country, […]

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  • 28 Apr 2020
    Federico M. Rossi


    • How can we analyze the interaction of a social movement with the state, allies and antagonists without reducing the process only to its public and contentious dimensions? • How can we put strategy making in a collective and historical perspective? In my book The Poor’s Struggle for Political Incorporation, I show that the answer […]

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  • 24 Jan 2020
    Verónica Pérez Bentancur, Rafael Piñeiro Rodríguez, Fernando Rosenblatt

    An Introduction to How Party Activism Survives

    Party activism, understood as individuals voluntarily and regularly participating in party-related activities (i.e. not simply for electoral campaigns), seems to be a thing of the past. In the best-case scenario, activism in contemporary politics generally entails little more than paying party membership dues or sporadically taking part in internal party elections. In the worst-case scenario, […]

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