
Climate Change

Fifteen Eighty Four


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  • 25 Jan 2023
    Julian Cribb

    Look out! Here comes the Catastrophocene…

    The good news is that the Anthropocene is almost over. It may have been the shortest geological epoch in all of Earth history. The bad news is that the Catastrophocene is just beginning.

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  • 2 Jan 2023
    Kari De Pryck, Mike Hulme

    The IPCC under the magnifying glass 

    The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is known for its comprehensive Assessment Reports about the state of scientific, technical and socio-economic knowledge on climate change, and about its impacts, future risks and the options for reducing the rate at which climate change is taking place.

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  • 6 May 2022
    Adeline Johns-Putra

    What can books do in a time of climate crisis?

    As a scholar of the literature of climate change, I am often asked, “Can books save the planet?”. Well, not literally, no. But I do believe that fictional narratives in which characters respond to climate crises act as thought experiments—or, indeed, as ‘feeling experiments’—for the reader’s potential response. I believe that fictional, poetic, or dramatic […]

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  • 20 Apr 2022
    Julian Caldecott

    Surviving Climate Chaos and Promoting Peace with Nature

    A note by Julian Caldecott, author of Surviving Climate Chaos to mark United Nations International Mother Earth Day and Earth Day 2022: 'Invest in our planet', 22 April 2022 ‘The causes of 'war' between people and nature lie in our recent world-conquering societies, business models and technologies. The key change occurred when a critical proportion of people gave up living from local production using muscle power, to live instead from global production using machines.’

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  • 8 Mar 2022
    Arnoldo Valle-Levinson

    Introduction to Estuarine Hydrodynamics

    even for those who live thousands of kilometers away from estuaries, these systems provide food, allow commerce, and protect resources that are part of their daily life Understanding the functioning of semienclosed costal bodies of water, including estuaries, has never been as pressing and as relevant to humans as it is today. Among the myriad […]

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  • 24 Feb 2022
    Avner Vengosh, Erika Weinthal

    Water Quality Impacts of the Energy-Water Nexus

    As fossil fuels consumption has increased over the last century, so have greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to climate change and global warming. In our new book “Water Quality Impacts of the Energy-Water Nexus,” we highlight another byproduct of our dependence on fossil fuels – that is, the tremendous amount of water that is required for extracting and producing electricity from fossil fuels.

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  • 30 Nov 2021
    Oxford Dodo photograph provided under creative commons license by Wikivoyage
    Julian Caldecott

    Lost Species Day, 30 November 2021

    Now we remember millions of species that died from centuries of war with nature. But we can learn from this, and build peace with nature instead. We've done this many times before, and to do so again we must remember and restore the old ways of harmony and sufficiency.

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  • 25 Nov 2021
    Julian Caldecott

    Surviving Climate Chaos: Strengthening systems against chaos

    The more small groups there are, and the more they talk with each other, the more valuable they all become, to each other, to local and national governments, and to the future.

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Authors in Climate Change