
Fifteen Eighty Four

Academic perspectives from Cambridge University Press


The fragile landscapes of the body

Floriana Irtelli, Fabio Gabrielli

Combining psychoanalysis, philosophy and anthropology, scientific research and clinical experience, this essay is a truly unique interdisciplinary book, in which the explores how the body represents a contact with the world, which can occur in both healthy and pathological ways.

The analysis of corporeality and its pathological offshoots, specifically eating disorders, is not only traced back to technical or classificatory procedures, but rather contextualized in a broader vision. In particular, the Authors, a philosopher and a psychoanalyst, situate the psychological perspective in current anthropological and social contexts.

The book is enriched by a substantial bibliography and winds its way through critical reflections on hypermodernity, communication, contemporary forms of narcissism and depression, pathological body images, and the theme of myth and idol.

In this varied excursus, we focus both on contemporary scientific research, various psychoanalytic perspectives and the theories of Authors such as Jacques Derrida, Emmanuel LĂ©vinas and Jean-Luc Nancy.

The book, in other words, seeks to grasp the extreme complexity of living systems, seeks to articulate an interdisciplinary and metadisciplinary discourse, in which the individual parts contribute to the whole, with the intention of handing back to the reader a possibly accomplished synthesis, however always open to further research and interpretive avenues.

This text, though with complex theoretical knots and a language specific to the disciplines addressed, aims not only at academia or professionals in the field, but also at the average reader interested in the topic of the body, its existential expressions and its possible psychological pathologies.

Body Image and Eating Disorders

About The Authors

Floriana Irtelli

Floriana Irtelli is a lecturer at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan. She is a psychoanalyst and psychotherapist. Irtelli also works at the Fatebenefratelli Hospita...

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Fabio Gabrielli

Dr. Fabio Gabrielli, philosopher, was Professor of Philosophical Anthropology and Dean of the Faculty of Human Sciences at Ludes University in Lugano, Switzerland. He currently te...

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