The theme of Earth Day 2017 is ‘environmental & climate literacy’. In these uncertain political times of ‘fake news’, ‘alternative facts’ and lack of trust in ‘experts’, how do we – as citizens – decide who and what to believe? How do we become more ‘literate’ about climate change and other environmental challenges?
How do we become more ‘literate’ about environmental challenges?
Part of the answer lies in having confidence in our information sources so we can separate the facts from fiction and advocate for policies informed by solid science. Real, verifiable, peer-reviewed facts. Cambridge University Press publishes books on the environment at all levels, from popular science to student textbooks to research volumes, which contain high quality content from the best scientists, economists and policy experts: information that can be relied upon. Cambridge University Press does not hold an opinion on issues one way or the other; we remain impartial to any so-called ‘debates’. Our sole aim is to publish the best, state-of-the-art knowledge, with impartiality and integrity. These are worrying times for science funding and objective research, but we will continue to do our best to help academics bring their valuable research and facts into the light.
As well as some of the best books in the Earth and environmental sciences, we also publish widely on the translation of scientific knowledge into policy, governance, cultural change and ethics. Scientific evidence needs to underpin informed decisions and action: at the level of nations, cities, and individuals.
Climate change is here and happening right now.
Earth Day is an opportunity to reflect on what we can do as individuals to reduce our environmental footprint as well as encourage our representatives in local and national government to ensure Earth’s precious resources are utilized for the benefit of all mankind, both now and in future generations. We live on a unique planet; there is no other we can emigrate to (science fiction notwithstanding). Climate change is here and happening right now. Perhaps a Cambridge University Press book can help keep you informed?
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