In March and April 2023, Al Jazeera’s investigative unit released a documentary series on gold smuggling, money laundering, corruption, and organised crime in Zimbabwe. The documentary implicated the Zimbabwean President, his family, the central bank, state diplomatic officials, customs officials and a ring of notorious smugglers and fraudsters in a multibillion-dollar transnational money laundering and […]
If you cast your line in the right places medieval Europe is full of fish. “A surfeit of lampreys” reportedly killed England’s King Henry I in 1135, and Pope Martin IV (d1285) expired after consuming too many eels from Lake Trasimeno. Hildegard of Bingen (ca1098-1179) wrote about the biology, medical, and dietary qualities of each […]
In March and April 2023, Al Jazeera’s investigative unit released a documentary series on gold smuggling, money laundering, corruption, and organised crime in Zimbabwe. The documentary implicated the Zimbabwean President, his family, the central bank, state diplomatic officials, customs officials and a ring of notorious smugglers and fraudsters in a multibillion-dollar transnational money laundering and […]
If you cast your line in the right places medieval Europe is full of fish. “A surfeit of lampreys” reportedly killed England’s King Henry I in 1135, and Pope Martin IV (d1285) expired after consuming too many eels from Lake Trasimeno. Hildegard of Bingen (ca1098-1179) wrote about the biology, medical, and dietary qualities of each […]
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