Tag Archives: women and gender studies
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Udi Sommer, Aliza Forman-Rabinovici
Once again, pro- and anti-abortion advocates are clashing across the United States. Will reigniting this conflict over defining moral issues spill over to influence abortion policy worldwide? Producing Reproductive Rights looks at the players around the globe who are both taking cues from this debate, as well as trying to influence it in their own […]
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Bonnie Berry
As strange as it may seem, there is very little research on the topic of physical appearance and its relationship to criminal involvement, criminal victimization, and the crime control process. While it is popularly known that young Black men are disproportionately singled out for arrest and receive harsher sentences than those with other appearance traits, […]
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Udi Sommer, Aliza Forman-Rabinovici
Once again, pro- and anti-abortion advocates are clashing across the United States. Will reigniting this conflict over defining moral issues spill over to influence abortion policy worldwide? Producing Reproductive Rights looks at the players around the globe who are both taking cues from this debate, as well as trying to influence it in their own […]
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Bonnie Berry
As strange as it may seem, there is very little research on the topic of physical appearance and its relationship to criminal involvement, criminal victimization, and the crime control process. While it is popularly known that young Black men are disproportionately singled out for arrest and receive harsher sentences than those with other appearance traits, […]
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