Tag Archives: voter participation
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Roderick P. Hart
I don’t know who will win the 2020 presidential race, but I do know who will lose: the biggest bully on the block since Billy Franklin beat-up Joey Tarnower in the sixth-grade and ran-off with his lunch money. The American people, I argue, are sick of political bullying and they’re going to put a stop […]
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Susan Stokes, S. Erdem Aytaç
Changes in the levels of political participation can alter the course of history. If turnout had been higher among young British voters in the 2016 European Union membership referendum, the United Kingdom might have decided to remain in the EU. If a wave of protests had not taken off in Kiev in the winter of […]
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Roderick P. Hart
I don’t know who will win the 2020 presidential race, but I do know who will lose: the biggest bully on the block since Billy Franklin beat-up Joey Tarnower in the sixth-grade and ran-off with his lunch money. The American people, I argue, are sick of political bullying and they’re going to put a stop […]
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Susan Stokes, S. Erdem Aytaç
Changes in the levels of political participation can alter the course of history. If turnout had been higher among young British voters in the 2016 European Union membership referendum, the United Kingdom might have decided to remain in the EU. If a wave of protests had not taken off in Kiev in the winter of […]
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