Tag Archives: Stop Abuse Campaign
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Reminder! Monday, May 24, Marci Hamilton LIVE on Twitter from 8:00pm-9:00pm @AbuseStoppers – talking about the Stop Abuse Campaign, Statute of Limitations reform, and Justice Denied: What America Must Do To Protect Its Children…
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Marci A. Hamilton
Marci Hamilton of the Cardozo School of Law has joined forces with the Stop Abuse Campaign to promote the passage of the Child Victims Act of New York (A02596) before the end of the state's session in June.
A leading constitutional law scholar specializing in church/state issues, Hamilton sounds a clarion call for incest/family victims to organize in their push to raise awareness of the CVA. Her book, Justice Denied: What America Must Do To Protect Its Children, has proven a source of inspiration – providing a platform pushing to end arbitrary statutes of limitation for childhood sexual abuse, and allowing survivors past and present to have their day in court. Part of the problem, Hamilton argues, is the presence of formidable opponents to the bill – the insurance industry, the higher-ups of the Roman Catholic Church – as recently addressed in an editorial by the staff of the New York Times last Sunday.
What does the bill actually say and where does the Times Editorial stand and how can you find out more on the Stop Abuse Campaign?
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Reminder! Monday, May 24, Marci Hamilton LIVE on Twitter from 8:00pm-9:00pm @AbuseStoppers – talking about the Stop Abuse Campaign, Statute of Limitations reform, and Justice Denied: What America Must Do To Protect Its Children…
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Marci A. Hamilton
Marci Hamilton of the Cardozo School of Law has joined forces with the Stop Abuse Campaign to promote the passage of the Child Victims Act of New York (A02596) before the end of the state's session in June.
A leading constitutional law scholar specializing in church/state issues, Hamilton sounds a clarion call for incest/family victims to organize in their push to raise awareness of the CVA. Her book, Justice Denied: What America Must Do To Protect Its Children, has proven a source of inspiration – providing a platform pushing to end arbitrary statutes of limitation for childhood sexual abuse, and allowing survivors past and present to have their day in court. Part of the problem, Hamilton argues, is the presence of formidable opponents to the bill – the insurance industry, the higher-ups of the Roman Catholic Church – as recently addressed in an editorial by the staff of the New York Times last Sunday.
What does the bill actually say and where does the Times Editorial stand and how can you find out more on the Stop Abuse Campaign?
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