Tag Archives: Reading
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Marie C.
It has come to my attention that not only am I a methodically drifting reader, but I am also a musically-inclined reader. You may be saying to yourself, “How does reading have anything to do with being musically-inclined?” Well, you, a lot. Have you ever really thought about the different ways that people read?
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The only thing I miss now that I’m biking to work: reading on the train. In other words, I’ve lost close to an hour of reading time per day! The New York Times interviewed a slew of people about their train reading habits.
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Marie C.
It has come to my attention that not only am I a methodically drifting reader, but I am also a musically-inclined reader. You may be saying to yourself, “How does reading have anything to do with being musically-inclined?” Well, you, a lot. Have you ever really thought about the different ways that people read?
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The only thing I miss now that I’m biking to work: reading on the train. In other words, I’ve lost close to an hour of reading time per day! The New York Times interviewed a slew of people about their train reading habits.
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