
New York Times

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Tag Archives: New York Times

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  • 11 May 2017
    Paul R. Verkuil

    “You’re Fired!”: Why Government Cannot Be Run Like a Business

    Paul Verkuil, author of Valuing Bureaucracy The Case for Professional Government (2017), on the recent Comey firing and the perils of running a government like a business.

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  • 28 Dec 2010
    Charles Griswold

    NYT’s The Stone: On Forgiveness

    We are in a season traditionally devoted to good will among people and to the renewal of hope in the face of hard times. As we seek to realize these lofty ideals, one of our greatest challenges is overcoming bitterness and divisiveness. We all struggle with the wrongs others have done to us as well as those we have done to others, and we recoil at the vast extent of injury humankind seems determined to inflict on itself. How to keep hope alive? Without a constructive answer to toxic anger, addictive cycles of revenge, and immobilizing guilt, we seem doomed to despair about chances for renewal. One answer to this despair lies in forgiveness.

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  • 21 Jun 2010
    Myrna I. Santiago

    Ranking Environmental Disasters + An Excerpt from The Ecology of Oil

    In Saturday’s New York Times, Justin Gillis spoke with several scholars – including Cambridge authors Don Worster (co-editor of our Environmental History series) and Ted Steinberg – on the subject of where the Gulf Oil Spill places on a hierarchy of environmental disasters. Could it really be the worst yet? The consensus seems to be that there is no definitive answer. The depth of our assessment appears to correlate more to a disaster's impact on the lives and livelihood of those affected, and less to the environmental ramifications of the event. Read more over at the NYT for a fascinating take on the “shades and complexities” of natural and man-made environmental disasters. While on the subject, here’s an excerpt from Myrna Santiago’s award-winning The Ecology of Oil: Environment, Labor, and the Mexican Revolution, 1900–1938 - discussing the disastrous social and environmental consequences of oil extraction. This detailed case study finds unique overlaps between labor and environmental concerns, taking a snapshot of history through the lens of the 1938 expropriation debate in Mexico. Santiago argues that oil production generated major historical and environmental transformations in systems of land use which, in turn, revolutionized the social organization of the country.

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  • 9 Jun 2010

    After Deadline on the Dictionary

    Word nerd alert!  The New York Times announces the 50 Most Frequently Looked-up Words of 2010.  Check out Philip Corbett’s observations on 50 Fancy Words…

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  • 24 May 2010

    Remembering Martin Gardner, Mathematical Magician

    “I’m strictly a journalist.” – Martin Gardner Martin Gardner had no formal mathematical training. A newspaper reporter, publicist, freelancer for Esquire, caseworker, magician, skeptic, Navy sailor, and most famously, "Mathematical Games" columnist for Scientific American, Gardner displayed a boundless energy and enthusiasm for intellectual inquiry. A tireless advocate for science, his popular books and articles painstakingly argue against the dangers of pseudoscience in all forms. On Saturday, Gardner passed away at the age of 95 in Norman, OK. TSoTP takes a look back.

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  • 21 May 2010
    Marci A. Hamilton

    Authors in Action: Reclaiming Justice Denied

    Marci Hamilton of the Cardozo School of Law has joined forces with the Stop Abuse Campaign to promote the passage of the Child Victims Act of New York (A02596) before the end of the state's session in June. A leading constitutional law scholar specializing in church/state issues, Hamilton sounds a clarion call for incest/family victims to organize in their push to raise awareness of the CVA. Her book, Justice Denied: What America Must Do To Protect Its Children, has proven a source of inspiration – providing a platform pushing to end arbitrary statutes of limitation for childhood sexual abuse, and allowing survivors past and present to have their day in court. Part of the problem, Hamilton argues, is the presence of formidable opponents to the bill – the insurance industry, the higher-ups of the Roman Catholic Church – as recently addressed in an editorial by the staff of the New York Times last Sunday. What does the bill actually say and where does the Times Editorial stand and how can you find out more on the Stop Abuse Campaign?

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  • 29 Mar 2010
    Jeffrey M. Stonecash

    NYT Op-Ed: Overspending Is a Bipartisan Affliction

    With tax season and budget cuts raining down on us, Jeffrey M. Stonecash takes a closer look at how New York state ended up drowning in debt in an op-ed for this weekend's New York Times. Stonecash is Maxwell Professor of Political Science at Syracuse University and an author of three Cambridge books: Reassessing the Incumbency Effect (2008), Dynamics of American Political Parties (with Mark D. Brewer, 2009), and the forthcoming Counter Realignment: Political Change in the Northeastern United States (with Howard L. Reiter, October 2010). -------- The New York Times, March 28, 2010, Op-Ed Contributor Overspending Is a Bipartisan Affliction By JEFFREY STONECASH New York has some of the highest state and local taxes in the country, as well as high (and rising) debt from years of borrowing. Why? Because both political parties have electoral bases that support spending. For most of the 20th century, Democrats were out of power in the Legislature. But beginning with victories after Watergate in 1974, they began building a majority in the Assembly, drawing votes from people in New York City and upstate urban areas. That base wanted spending on Medicaid, social service programs and schools. Gradually, Democrats appealed to suburban voters who also wanted more school aid. Until last year, the Senate had been held for decades by the Republicans, who win more seats in suburban districts that are generally more affluent. They might have been a voice for fiscal restraint — if it were not for the fact that Republican Party enrollment in the state has been steadily sliding, from 50 percent of voters in 1957 to only 25 percent today. Senate Republicans have fought to preserve what votes they have by delivering more school aid for the suburbs. Keep reading at The New York Times > > >

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  • 15 Feb 2010

    Politics and Personality

    How much of our political orientation can be attributed to our personalities and our brains? Nicholas Kristof addressed this in his NYT Op-Ed Saturday, and examined the research of two of our authors. We all know that liberals and conservatives are far apart on health care. But in the way their brains work? Even in automatic reflexes, like blinking? Or the way their glands secrete moisture? That’s the suggestion of some recent research. It hints that the roots of political judgments may lie partly in fundamental personality types and even in the hard-wiring of our brains. Researchers have found, for example, that some humans are particularly alert to threats, particularly primed to feel vulnerable and perceive danger. Those people are more likely to be conservatives.

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