
Julian Cribb

Fifteen Eighty Four


Tag Archives: Julian Cribb

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  • 12 Mar 2020
    Julian Cribb

    Call to invest 20% of global arms budget in ‘food for peace’

      Investing one fifth of the global arms budgets in a new world food system will end hunger everywhere – but also greatly increase prospects for world peace. “At present humanity invests around 25 times more money in better ways to kill ourselves than we do in better ways to feed ourselves. That is not […]

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  • 2 Jan 2020
    Julian Cribb

    Hotspots for future ‘Food wars’ identified

    Rising tensions over scarcities of food, land and water combined with increasingly unstable climates threaten to unleash new wars and the mass flight of hundreds of millions of people by the mid-century. ‘Food or War’ identifies the nine regions globally most at risk of conflict over dwindling food resources, water especially. “Media and political descriptions […]

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