Tag Archives: gender studies
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Kaitlin Sidorsky, Wendy J. Schiller
Tausha Haight, her five children and her mother were all shot to death in January 2023 by her husband, whom she had filed for divorce from just weeks earlier, and who had been investigated for child abuse two years before that. Less than a month later, Linda Robinson and her son Sebastian were murdered by […]
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Ana Catalano Weeks
Quota laws increase numbers of women across parties, and they lead to policies that better reflect women’s preferences for balancing work and family. In 2013, a Christian democratic politician from Belgium and I sat down in her office in the Senate, the upper house of the federal parliament in Brussels. The senator recalled a long […]
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Anne E. Linton
The English language comes ready-made with the gender-neutral third person pronoun “they,” and a history stretching back before Shakespeare of using it in a singular context for that very purpose. Grammatically speaking, pronouns are a bit trickier in French. There is no gender-neutral third person equivalent of “they” in French. At least there wasn’t, officially, […]
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Seema Mohapatra, Lindsay F. Wiley
Governmental responses to the Covid 19 pandemic—in the United States, the United Kingdom, and elsewhere—have been deeply inequitable. People of color and people living in low-income households and neighborhoods have experienced compounded pandemic impacts. Restrictions on public services and private activities have disproportionately affected employment, housing, and financial security for women, people of color, and […]
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Dr. Mel Evans, Dr. Claire Bowditch, Professor Elaine Hobby, Professor Gillian Wright
The five plays in Volume IV of the Cambridge Edition of the Works of Aphra Behn date from the final years of Behn’s professional career. Three of the plays were performed during her lifetime: The City-Heiress (1682), The Luckey Chance (1686) and The Emperor of the Moon (1687). Two works appeared on the stage and […]
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Jean Lutes, Jennifer Travis
We have spent the last couple of years editing a Cambridge volume on gender in American literature and thinking about what the Trump administration’s glorification of white patriarchal nationalism has taught us about gender in American literary history. We submitted the manuscript of the volume a scant two weeks before COVID-19 emerged, and well before […]
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Fanny M. Cheung, Diane F. Halpern
Psychology is way too weird. By that we mean that it is overwhelmingly the study of people who are White, Educated, and live in countries that are Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic. A study of the research participants in one of psychology’s leading journals found that 85% of the samples were representative of fewer than 7% […]
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Jennifer Cooke
A friend in her early forties has the onset of her IVF treatment cancelled because of Covid-19. She is devastated. Another is in lockdown with a partner many of us know is overly controlling and who we suspect of abuse. A woman who cleans houses locally tells me she lost all her clients the day […]
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Kaitlin Sidorsky, Wendy J. Schiller
Tausha Haight, her five children and her mother were all shot to death in January 2023 by her husband, whom she had filed for divorce from just weeks earlier, and who had been investigated for child abuse two years before that. Less than a month later, Linda Robinson and her son Sebastian were murdered by […]
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Ana Catalano Weeks
Quota laws increase numbers of women across parties, and they lead to policies that better reflect women’s preferences for balancing work and family. In 2013, a Christian democratic politician from Belgium and I sat down in her office in the Senate, the upper house of the federal parliament in Brussels. The senator recalled a long […]
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Anne E. Linton
The English language comes ready-made with the gender-neutral third person pronoun “they,” and a history stretching back before Shakespeare of using it in a singular context for that very purpose. Grammatically speaking, pronouns are a bit trickier in French. There is no gender-neutral third person equivalent of “they” in French. At least there wasn’t, officially, […]
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Seema Mohapatra, Lindsay F. Wiley
Governmental responses to the Covid 19 pandemic—in the United States, the United Kingdom, and elsewhere—have been deeply inequitable. People of color and people living in low-income households and neighborhoods have experienced compounded pandemic impacts. Restrictions on public services and private activities have disproportionately affected employment, housing, and financial security for women, people of color, and […]
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Dr. Mel Evans, Dr. Claire Bowditch, Professor Elaine Hobby, Professor Gillian Wright
The five plays in Volume IV of the Cambridge Edition of the Works of Aphra Behn date from the final years of Behn’s professional career. Three of the plays were performed during her lifetime: The City-Heiress (1682), The Luckey Chance (1686) and The Emperor of the Moon (1687). Two works appeared on the stage and […]
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Jean Lutes, Jennifer Travis
We have spent the last couple of years editing a Cambridge volume on gender in American literature and thinking about what the Trump administration’s glorification of white patriarchal nationalism has taught us about gender in American literary history. We submitted the manuscript of the volume a scant two weeks before COVID-19 emerged, and well before […]
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Fanny M. Cheung, Diane F. Halpern
Psychology is way too weird. By that we mean that it is overwhelmingly the study of people who are White, Educated, and live in countries that are Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic. A study of the research participants in one of psychology’s leading journals found that 85% of the samples were representative of fewer than 7% […]
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Jennifer Cooke
A friend in her early forties has the onset of her IVF treatment cancelled because of Covid-19. She is devastated. Another is in lockdown with a partner many of us know is overly controlling and who we suspect of abuse. A woman who cleans houses locally tells me she lost all her clients the day […]
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