Tag Archives: care workers
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Tina Miller
I’m not a regular tweeter, but on Sunday evening (10-05-20) was driven to reach for my phone as Boris Johnson signed off from his ‘keep alert’ broadcast, next-steps-in-the-pandemic, rallying call (@proftinamiller). This was because in a 14+ minute speech there was no mention of family, even as families sat in expectation, hope and lockdown, to […]
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Tina Miller
I’m not a regular tweeter, but on Sunday evening (10-05-20) was driven to reach for my phone as Boris Johnson signed off from his ‘keep alert’ broadcast, next-steps-in-the-pandemic, rallying call (@proftinamiller). This was because in a 14+ minute speech there was no mention of family, even as families sat in expectation, hope and lockdown, to […]
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