Michael Ruse is a prominent philosopher and a bad speller. Should this puzzle the rest of us? via Brainstorm Health-care reform is set to become my King Charles's Head. I am going to find it difficult to write anything without it coming up in the middle. Fifty-seven million people in the United States of America without healthcare insurance and we -- at least those blocking reform -- call ourselves a Christian nation. Shame, shame, shame. But, spurred by a well-merited criticism of my last blog, I want to write about something else that has been on my mind and which I intended to raise at some point. So why not now? I have in my possession a school report from when I was about 10 years old. My mother was a schoolteacher and we took school reports very seriously in my family. They were not glanced at, signed, and then forgotten. They were returned, stored safely, and discussed on pertinent occasions in the future. The report, said he modestly, is pretty good. "Sports" is a bit off, but generally I was nicely on track. However, then we come to "Spelling." "B, Michael is improving." Well, there was room for improvement and I am afraid it did not go far. As my perceptive critic noted, I simply cannot spell. On this occasion, I got "miniscule" for "minuscule," but this is nothing. Some words I just blank out on. The other day, I could not for the life of me spell "cloathes," you know those things you put on. I can never spell "campaing," the thing that was the end of Napoleon in Russia. And you may ride in an automobile, but I ride in a "vehcule." And when it comes to, well you know what it is when you have had too many prunes and it begins with a d, I cannot get close enough to look it up in a dictionary.
Read MoreMichael Ruse In 1981, the State of Arkansas passed into law a bill that demanded that if evolution was taught in state-supported schools, then something called "Creation Science" -- aka the book of Genesis read literally -- had also to be taught. This happened during the interregnum between Bill Clinton's first time in the governor's mansion and when he regained it two years later. The bill was debated for all of half an hour by the legislature and signed by the then-governor, a man as unqualified for the post as he was surprised at getting it. Obviously this law violated the First Amendment separation of church and state, and so the ACLU swung into action to get it declared unconstitutional. After a two-week trial, the federal judge ruled precisely that and so that was the end of the Arkansas "Balanced Treatment for Creation-Science and Evolution-Scient Act," as it was called. I was one of the witnesses for the plaintiff, called in to testify on the history and philosophy of science, showing that whereas evolutionary theory is science, creation science is not science but religion.
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