Tag Archives: Allan C. Hutchinson
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Allan C. Hutchinson
Allan C. Hutchinson, author of Is Killing People Right? (2016) explains why good judges are like good surfers.
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In the baseball game of the law, judges have been famously compared to umpires: impartial observers who apply a set of pre-existing rules onto a specific circumstance. But every so often a judge comes along that’s less an umpire than a second-string player, watching from the sidelines but occasionally taking an opportunity to change the […]
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Allan C. Hutchinson
Allan C. Hutchinson, author of Is Killing...
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In the baseball game of the law, judges have been famously compared to umpires: impartial observers who apply a set of pre-existing rules onto a specific circumstance. But every so often a judge comes along that’s less an umpire than a second-string player, watching from the sidelines but occasionally taking an opportunity to change the […]
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