Tag Archives: algorithms
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Song Guo, Zhihao Qu
Machine Learning (ML) has demonstrated great promises in various fields, e.g., smart health, smart surveillance, smart home, self-driving, smart grid, which are fundamentally altering the way individuals and organizations live, work and interact. Big data is one of the key promotion factors that boosts machine learning development, following the significant successes and progress of machine […]
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Joshua A. T. Fairfield
Joshua A.T. Fairfield, author of Runaway Technology, on hate speech, disinformation, and technology,
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Woodrow Barfield
Just a few years ago, who would have thought that algorithms would be regularly making important decisions once made by humans, and they would be so complex that we would not be able to fully understand how they made their decisions (even though we rely on their decisions in life-threatening situations). And further, that algorithms […]
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Martin Ebers and Susana Navas
AI-based applications raise new, so far unresolved legal questions, and consumer law is no exception. The use of self-learning algorithms in Big Data analysis gives companies the opportunity to gain a detailed, individual insight into the customer’s personal circumstances, behavior patterns and personality. On this basis, companies can tailor their advertising, but also their prices […]
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Serge Abiteboul, Gilles Dowek
Algorithms are sometimes compared to cathedrals, in that they share the same ambition, and the same folly. Some algorithms, such as telephone operating systems, data management systems, or search engines, are huge objects involving the contributions of thousands of people. With algorithms, Homo sapiens has finally created a tool equal to its aspirations. Why do […]
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David Eppstein
Esther Klein (later Esther Szekeres) famously observed that five points in the plane with no three in line must contain the vertices of a convex quadrilateral. Similarly, nine points in the plane with no three in line must contain the vertices of a convex pentagon, and more generally for every n there exists a larger […]
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Song Guo, Zhihao Qu
Machine Learning (ML) has demonstrated great promises in various fields, e.g., smart health, smart surveillance, smart home, self-driving, smart grid, which are fundamentally altering the way individuals and organizations live, work and interact. Big data is one of the key promotion factors that boosts machine learning development, following the significant successes and progress of machine […]
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Joshua A. T. Fairfield
Joshua A.T. Fairfield, author of Runaway Technology, on hate speech, disinformation, and technology,
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Woodrow Barfield
Just a few years ago, who would have thought that algorithms would be regularly making important decisions once made by humans, and they would be so complex that we would not be able to fully understand how they made their decisions (even though we rely on their decisions in life-threatening situations). And further, that algorithms […]
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Martin Ebers and Susana Navas
AI-based applications raise new, so far unresolved legal questions, and consumer law is no exception. The use of self-learning algorithms in Big Data analysis gives companies the opportunity to gain a detailed, individual insight into the customer’s personal circumstances, behavior patterns and personality. On this basis, companies can tailor their advertising, but also their prices […]
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Serge Abiteboul, Gilles Dowek
Algorithms are sometimes compared to cathedrals, in that they share the same ambition, and the same folly. Some algorithms, such as telephone operating systems, data management systems, or search engines, are huge objects involving the contributions of thousands of people. With algorithms, Homo sapiens has finally created a tool equal to its aspirations. Why do […]
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David Eppstein
Esther Klein (later Esther Szekeres) famously observed that five points in the plane with no three in line must contain the vertices of a convex quadrilateral. Similarly, nine points in the plane with no three in line must contain the vertices of a convex pentagon, and more generally for every n there exists a larger […]
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