
Yong Du

Fifteen Eighty Four


Author: Yong Du

Yong Du is a full professor at Central South University (CSU) of China. He received his PhD from CSU in 1992. From 1993 to 2003, he continued his research in Tokyo Institute of Technology, University of Barcelona, Clausthal University of Technology, University of Vienna, and University of Wisconsin at Madison. He was selected to be National Outstanding Youth of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Cheung Kong Chair Professorship of Ministry of Education of China, Leader of Innovative Research Team of National Natural Science Foundation of China, and Leader of 973 National Basic Research Program of China. He is an associate editor for both CALPHAD and J. of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion. He has been awarded one First Class Prize of Hunan Provincial Natural Science, one Third Class Prize of National Natural Science of China, and one best paper prize of APDIC (Alloy Phase Diagram International Committee).

Posts by: Yong Du