Author: Martin Ebers and Susana Navas
Martin Ebers is Associate Professor of IT Law at the University of Tartu and a permanent research fellow at the Humboldt University of Berlin. He is also the co-founder and president of the Robotics & AI Law Society (RAILS). Along with researching and teaching, he has been active in the field of legal consulting for many years. His main areas of expertise and research are IT law, private law, insurance law and European law. Professor Ebers is the author of Rights, Remedies and Sanctions in EU Private Law (2015).
Susana Navas is Full Professor for Private Law at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Her diverse fields of interest range from child law and copyright law to European private law. Recently, she has also devoted herself to the study of digital law and is a co-author of Inteligencia artificial TecnologĂa Derecho (2017). Professor Navarro has enjoyed research stays at both European and North American institutions and has been a key speaker at conferences and workshops across Europe.