Tag Archives: WWI poetry
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Paul Sheehan
This week, we delve further into the cultural impact of author of the Great War as Paul Sheehan, Modernism and the Aesthetics of Violence, examines pity and pathos in World War I poetry.
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James A. Winn
War poets bring an impossible beauty and entirely new perspective to the most awful of subjects. On Wednesdays, we’ll receive a new perspective on these writers. Yesterday’s New York Times ran a front-page story on the writings of American soldiers recently killed in Iraq. In the poems that have emerged from the conflict in Iraq, […]
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Paul Sheehan
This week, we delve further into the cultural impact of author of
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James A. Winn
War poets bring an impossible beauty and entirely new perspective to the most awful of subjects. On Wednesdays, we’ll receive a new perspective on these writers. Yesterday’s New York Times ran a front-page story on the writings of American soldiers recently killed in Iraq. In the poems that have emerged from the conflict in Iraq, […]
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