In October 2019, unprecedented mobilizations in Chile took the world by surprise. An outburst of protests plunged the most stable democracy in Latin America into its most profound social and political crisis since the dictatorship in the 1980s. What began as student-led protests in a few metro stations against a fare increase in public transportation […]
Read MoreThere is much speculation about what will be the outcome of the current protests underway in Iran. While it is impossible to predict the future, Iran’s recent history of social movement activity and the many similarities to previous uprisings shed some light on the possibilities. While the catalyst for each uprising is different—one was alleged […]
Read MoreIn 2011, twenty-six democracy protests occurred in the world. Most arose in the Middle East and North Africa, but a few protests also took place this year in Asia, Europe, and Latin America. The 2011 protests suggested two things to onlookers: first, that protests arise in waves and spread across countries and second, that democracy […]
Read MoreDissent is such an intrinsic part of American culture. Our whole society is built around the idea of improving our values to better represent and protect our people. Books, speeches, articles, and essays have long represented dissenting opinions, but perhaps the most widely recognized and distributed form of dissent is music.
Read MoreOn February 26, 2012, Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old African-American teenager, was fatally shot by 28-year-old George Zimmerman. This past weekend, Zimmerman was found not guilty of second-degree murder and of manslaughter charges--a ruling that has led millions to protest. This month, the Cambridge Book Club discusses On Dissent: Its Meaning in America. America is a nation that values, even protects dissent, but is far from agreeing on what dissent actually means.
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