
Environmental Law

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Tag Archives: Environmental Law

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  • 12 Apr 2017
    geocentric universe
    Fred D. Singer

    What is reality? – Why I’m Marching for Science on Earth Day

    On April 22 we march across the globe to celebrate and affirm the reality of our senses, the truth of our observations, and the beauty of our complicated world.

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  • 12 Apr 2017
    [Photo by Jean-Baptiste Gurliat/ Mairie de Paris]
  • 12 Apr 2017
    Make every day Earth Day
    Matt Lloyd

    Earth Day 2017 – Stay Educated #MarchForScience

    Join Publishing Director Matt Lloyd in celebrating Earth Day, 'Stay Educated with Cambridge' and help to spread scientific knowledge on issues in ecology, the environment, policy and governance. Join in the discussion with #EarthDay and maybe join a #MarchForScience in your area.

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  • 13 Dec 2016
    Curbing Catastrophe by Tim Dixon
    Timothy H. Dixon

    Curbing Catastrophe: Following the Money, and Dying from Coal

    Ebell to Lead EPA Transition: Following the Money, and Dying from Coal US President-Elect Trump recently picked Myron Ebell to head the transition team for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Ebell has no formal background in environmental science (he trained as an economist). He works at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a think tank that receives […]

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  • 2 Jun 2010
    Craig Collins

    Endangered Species Act: Noah’s Ark or The Titanic?

    In 1973, Congress passed the Endangered Species Act, a program designed to provide for the conservation of plants and animals on the endangered species list. The law made it illegal to harm any of the listed species and legislated against the degradation of their habitat. More recently, the government began looking into using the ESA as an avenue of recouping the vast losses caused by the BP oil spill. As they launch a criminal investigation into whether BP was criminally negligent, the ESA is one of the legal means with which they might be able to subvert the current cap on damages. While this may be beneficial in the short term, Craig Collins, author of Toxic Loopholes: Failures and Future Prospects for Environmental Law, looks at loopholes in the ESA itself to argue for a fundamental realignment of our approach towards how we legislate environmental protection. In the age-old battle between the environment and the economy, Collins asks us to reevaluate our priorities. -------- Endangered Species Act: Noah’s Ark or Titanic? By Craig Collins, Ph.D. California State University East Bay, Environmental Law & Policy The Endangered Species Act is the equivalent of a tiny bandage on a gaping wound. When Congress passed the ESA back in 1973, it was responding to intense public pressure to save a growing number of species from extinction. Groups like Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and the World Wildlife Fund raised public awareness and sympathy by showcasing the plight of a small group of cute or charismatic creatures—like pandas, bald eagles and blue whales—whose survival was threatened by human encroachment. This campaign was so effective that the media still portrays the struggle to preserve biodiversity as an altruistic endeavor pressed upon society by tree-hugger environmentalists trying to rescue wildlife from the brink of extinction.

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