
Pat Rogers

Fifteen Eighty Four


Author: Pat Rogers

Pat Rogers is Distinguished University Professor Emeritus, formerly Eminent Scholar, and DeBartolo Chair in the Liberal Arts at the University of South Florida. He has held fulltime teaching posts at the universities of Cambridge, London, Wales, and Bristol, and has published extensively on literature from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, as well as teaching on courses up to the twentieth. His previous works on Defoe include The Text of Great Britain: Theme and Design in Defoe's Tour (1998); editions of the Tour (1971: 1989), Defoe: The Critical Heritage (1972), a study of Robinson Crusoe (1979), and an edition of Moll Flanders (1993). He is a contributor to the forthcoming collections The Oxford Handbook to Daniel Defoe and Defoe in Context (Cambridge).

Posts by: Pat Rogers