Author: Jolanda Jetten
Jolanda Jetten is a Professor of Social Psychology and an Australian Research Council Future Fellow at the University of Queensland. Her research is concerned with social identity, group processes, and intergroup relations. She has a special interest in marginal group membership, deviance within groups, normative influence and conformity, prejudice and discrimination, coping with stigma, and, recently, the way identity can protect health and well-being. She has served as the Chief Editor of the British Journal of Social Psychology and as an Associate Editor for the British Journal of Social Psychology, Social Psychology, and Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology. She was awarded the British Psychological Society's Spearman Medal in 2004 and the European Association of Social Psychology's Kurt Lewin Award in 2014. She was the President of the Society of Australasian Social Psychology from 2011 to 2013, served on the Australian Research Council College of Experts, and recently became a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia.