
Chadwick D. Oliver

Fifteen Eighty Four


Author: Chadwick D. Oliver

Chad Oliver, author of Global Resources and the Environment (Fatma Arf Oliver, coauthor), 2018, is the Pinchot Professor of Forestry and Environmental Studies, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University. He is from South Carolina, studied at The University of the South (BS, 1968) and Yale University (MFS, 1970; PhD, 1975). He studied and researched at The Harvard Forest (1973-1975; Research Fellow and Instructor), The University of Washington College of Forest Resources (Professor; 1975-2002), and Yale University School (2002-2020; he is in phased retirement). His early research concentrated how forests developed resulting in a book Forest Stand Dynamics (Bruce Larson, coauthor). He is author of over 150 scientific, technical, and policy papers.

Posts by: Chadwick D. Oliver